
▍畫廊新聞 Gallery News
First solo exhibition of Taiwanese Artist Chih-Hung Liu in Japan
日動畫廊當代館(nca | nichido contemporary art)很榮幸呈現台灣藝術家劉致宏於日本的首次個展《PALUDES》。劉致宏善於透過創作捕捉日常生活的片段,無論是常年置身的環境、曾經造訪的風景事物、亦或是旅行漫遊時發生的大小事件,他總是能萃取出當下深刻動人的元素,並以敏銳而饒富感性的藝術語言,編織拼貼成一系列屬於當代的生活影像詩。劉致宏深具表現性的風格並不止於繪畫,近年來他更隨著欲表達的主題轉換媒材,創造出形式相異、卻也從不悖離他詩意敘事風格的裝置、錄像、書寫與雕塑作品。此次個展以藝術家日常騎行於陽明山區的習慣為核心展開,展名《PALUDES》則是引自紀德(André Gide)帶有自傳意味的日記文體小說;正如紀德作品中那因現實壓迫而深感孤寂、亟欲逃離的主人公,此次劉致宏的作品也以他一貫的視覺書寫,細膩而幽微地描繪每一個當下自身的存在意識和感性狀態。此次個展將展出二十五件繪畫與數件陶瓷作品;劉致宏的創作也將於三月09日至11日於畫廊東京藝博展位中呈現,誠摯邀請各位朋友共襄盛舉。
開幕|2018. 03. 02(五)下午6:00
展期|2018. 03. 02 - 2018 . 04. 08
地點|nca | nichido contemporary art
104-0032 東京都中央区八丁堀4-3-3 B1
nca | nichido contemporary art is pleased to present “Paludes”, the first solo exhibition of Taiwanese young artist Chih-Hung LIU’s in Japan. Liu shows works that seem to capture bits from his everyday life, surrounding environment, and landscapes and events he encounters during his journeys, and spin stories out of those motifs while interweaving with his personal lyricism. His expressive style does not include painting only but stretches to different media, such as installations, videos, writings, and sculpture according to the artwork’s theme. This series takes shape from the artist wandering in Yangmingshan National Park, located within easy reach of his studio, in the suburbs of Taipei, and the sketches he drew along the path. This exhibition is the artist’s first solo show in Japan, and presents a total of 25 new paintings, including large-scale pieces, and a few ceramic sculptures. Liu’s works will also be shown at our booth during the Tokyo Art Fair which will take place from March 16to19 at the Tokyo International Forum. We look forward to seeing you.
Chih-Hung Liu : PALUDES
Opening Reception|2018. 03. 02 (Fri) 18:00
Dates|2018. 03. 02 - 2018 . 04. 08
Venue|NCA nichido contemporary art
B1, 4-3-3 Hachobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032, Japan
Exhibition Info|http://www.nca-g.com/exhibiti…/2018/chih-hung_liu_paludes/…/
Event Page|https://www.facebook.com/events/189321898326872/
榕 Banyan, 2017, 30 × 30 cm, oil on canvas
台北日動畫廊galerie nichido Taipei
