

Georges Lemmen (1865-1916)

圖文分享自臉書 ‎ Eddy Dijssel ‎   加入   BELGIAN MODERN PAINTERS 18 小時  ·  The Two Sisters or The Serruys Sisters. Georges Lemmen (Belgian, 1865-1916) Indianapolis Museum of Art. Eight-year-old Jenny and twelve-year-old Berthe Serruys are dressed identically, but their attention is focused in different directions. Lemmen has rendered his young subjects as distinct individuals with a compelling presence. The bold color scheme also contributes to the image’s power. Relying heavily on the Neo-Impressionist practice of using complementary colors, or op posites on the color wheel, Lemmen applied dots of green and orange pigments to create a vibrant contrast with the red dresses and blue background. The painted wooden frame is a rare surviving example of an original Neo-Impressionist frame