
目前顯示的是 8月, 2017的文章

Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden ,中文名馬克萊登,美國插畫家,被媒體評為當代通俗藝術的代表人物。馬克萊登  (Mark Ryden)  的插畫作品同時展現了「可愛童稚」和「古怪詭異」兩種特質,風格特殊,使觀者一見難忘,迅速判別是馬克萊登  (Mark Ryden)  所作。除了藝術創作,馬克萊登  (Mark Ryden)  還參與商業設計,麥克 · 傑克森  (Michael Jackson) 1991 年的專輯《 Dangerous 》就是馬克萊登  (Mark Ryden)  的設計。他還先後為 Scarling 、 Ringo Starr 、 Oingo Boingo 、 Red Hot Chili Peppers 、 Buthole Surfers 、 Jack Off Jill 等音樂名人單位設計專輯封套,風格貫徹他的黑色世界。 資料來源 Alf設計思維部落格


黃千倫 1987年出生於雲林虎尾,國立台灣藝術大學美術學系碩士班畢業。 2010年獲高雄美術獎水墨/膠彩類入選,2015年獲Art Olympia一般組入賞獎。

齊白石 畫中的風

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Raymond Douillet

. Raymond Douillet was born on July 20th 1947 — on the very day of the Tour de France cycle race arrival — in Hautmont, in the North of France. This small town is separated from Maubeuge by a river, the Sambre. Maubeuge is Jan Gossaert's, also named Jean de Mabuse (c 1478-1532), native town. He introduced the spirit and shapes of the Italian Renaissance into Northern Gothic Art by going through Dürer’s decisive influence. Almost four centuries and a half later, Raymond Douillet, unaware of it at the beginning, followed his prestigious predecessors’ footsteps. This is what could be called, owing to André Breton’s phrase, an « objective coincidence » : from one painter to the other, this relationship, which was fortuitous at the beginning, is now shared within a space configuration which has more than one thing in common. Everything works out as if Mabuse’s formula found an echo in ...